
Cool Tattoos and a Flat Building.

So, there is this really cool guy I sit next to in Sociology. He has a couple of tattoos that I took photos of.

He has three stars on him. The smallest one stands for the one year anniversary of his best friends death in a car crash. The bigger one on his neck stands for when he turned 18. The biggest one on his wrist stands for when he graduated High School.

Batman. This one does not stand for anything. It's just Batman.

This is the date of his best friends car crash.

And now for something completely different.

When you walk down Congress in Chicago towards LaSalle, you notice a totally flat building. It's actually shaped like a really acute triangle, but from the street vantage point, it just looks flat.

Strange, huh?


Sam Ash said...

holy shit.
i pass by that building all the time when i go take the blue line and i've never even noticed it.
i'm definitely checking it out when i get to school.

AndrewNellesPhoto.com said...

That building is the Chicago Metropolitan Correctional Center

you can see inmates on the upper floor through the bars frequently.